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Time is sure flying by since I returned to the states for a visit. I have been blessed abundantly with the days I’ve had here.

My trip home was refreshing as I experienced a new flight pattern flying out of Kenya. A great change was flying out early in the morning instead of almost midnight. Flying during daylight hours and over different countries than when I flew out of Uganda. This new flight is great as it makes a real difference in the jetlag. Jetlag this time was almost non-existent as I fell right into the time zone here easier than ever before.

The flight pattern took us over Sudan and Egypt. For many hours the plane flew over barren desert lands, something I had never seen before. What a delight to see the contrast between those barren desert lands and the beautiful blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This is a picture although not very clear, but it shows the contrast.

My first few days were filled with hours and hours with my family. Of course that has continued, but the first few days I am home I can’t seem to get enough hugs and kisses! I guess we do a good job of making up for all the months we are apart!

Every time I come home, my family has changed. My grandchildren of course have gotten older, but most often not only are they older, they are usually taller! Sometimes by several inches as was the case this time for my grandson Eli. Not only is Eli several inches taller than he was when I last saw him, he is now driving. What fun it was to go to school to pick him up, then swap places and let him drive us back home.

My grandson Eli driving us home from school….

The seasons of my life are sure changing. I am driving my grandson Stephen’s truck while I am home and have been added as driver to my son’s insurance policy. We have laughed a lot about how weird this is..seems just like yesterday that my children were learning to drive and I was adding them to my insurance policy!

But oh how thankful I am for changes in life. Changes mean we are moving on and going through the aging process just as God intended for us too. Its an exciting time to see my grandchildren grow up and become more and more independent.

Not only do the seasons of my grandchildren’s lives change while I am away but also my children. I love coming home and hearing/seeing how God is working in their lives. While I am away, I know they are serving the Lord faithfully; yet, it is a wonderful thing to come home and see them in the midst of the work they are doing for Him. Parenting, teaching, mentoring and serving God with their daily lives.

Precious time with my son Bryan and his family Thanksgiving Day….

My beautiful daughter Dana and her family yesterday…..

Also since I’ve been here in the states, I had the incredible opportunity to spend some time with Dr. David Platt and the Radical team. What a joy to be interviewed by Dr. Platt and share how God is working through his Secret Church materials in Africa.

It is a great honor to be partnering with Radical again in 2013, taking the next series of Secret Church teachings to the pastors in Kenya. Our Secret Church conferences will once again go throughout Kenya and the teachings for 2013 will be: Who Is God, Exploring the Holy Spirit and Angels, Demons and Spiritual Warfare.

All of these teachings as well as all previous Secret Church teachings are free online. I encourage all of you to prayerfully seek out how you can be a part of the upcoming simulcast Secret Church teaching on March 29th. Dr. Platt will be teaching on: Heaven, Hell and The End of The World. This would be a great time for you to experience the teachings God is using around the world. Many churches all over the country will be hosting the simulcast, so check and see if there is one near you. Or, you may want to host the simulcast in your home with a group of friends. You can find out more information about the simulcast at:

While I was in Birmingham, I was also blessed to attend the Multiply Gathering with Dr. Platt and Pastor Francis Chan. I along with people in more than 100 countries watching via simulcast was challenged and encouraged to take disciple making to a deeper level. The new Multiply discipleship material is also part of the work I will be doing in Kenya in 2013, alongside the Secret Church conferences. Please visit to learn more about the new Multiply discipleship material.

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now all around I see the Christmas season coming. Still lots more joys and wonders to enjoy before I head back to Kenya the first week of January. Pray for my family as God gives us this wonderful season together.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Saturday I made my last journey into the country of Uganda. I traveled there to complete graduation ceremonies for the BSI pastors down on Lake Victoria. As I crossed the border and had my passport stamped one last time, I felt the sweet presence and joy of the Lord. I know when we get to heaven we look forward to hearing, “Well done”, yet for me, in only the way my sweet Lord can speak, He spoke to me these words as I crossed the border. Please understand, He was not speaking the words “well done” for anything I have done. He was speaking of our journey these past 3 years in Uganda, in which He completed His plans and purposes for my part of His eternal kingdom work there.

As I’ve traveled into Uganda for the past two Saturdays to complete my work as facilitator for the BSI pastors classes, and participate in their graduations,

BSI Graduates Busia

BSI Graduates Lake Victoria

I have realized how the hand of God transformed the lives of so many of these men of God. Out of the 11 pastors in Busia and the 16 pastors at Lake Victoria, who have now graduated, I could tell you stories of each of them. Yet, I want to write my last post about Uganda highlighting two pastors that I know without a doubt will hear the words of our Lord, “Well done”. Many of these pastors have stories that would encourage and touch your hearts, yet without a doubt, out of all of the pastors, these two men overcame the most difficult circumstances to graduate.

These is Pastor Francis Wafula.

Pastor Francis Wafula

You can’t tell in the picture, but Pastor Francis’ glasses are extremely thick. His eyesight is very limited for reading. Yet, this sweet man of God persevered and accomplished what most thought would be impossible. Without a doubt Pastor Francis spent twice as much time as any other student completing his homework assignments, which were 100% reading and writing assignments. What a joy for me each week as he handed in his homework and I got to see the hand of God at work.

Not only was Pastor Francis struggling with his eyesight, he also struggled as he was the only pastor in class without a godly wife encouraging him. Pastor Francis is married, but his wife refuses to have anything to do with God or the church. Yet, these circumstances did not keep him from accomplishing his goal of graduating. I think it is an accurate statement to say, that in all the classes with Pastor Francis, he never spoke more than 100 words. He exemplified true humility and Christ likeness. I learned so much from his silence.

This is Pastor John Mina.

Pastor John Mina

Pastor John has had special place in my heart since I first came to Africa. I met him at the very first conference I participated in when I first arrived. Pastor John as you can see does not have legs that work. He has spent his life in this condition, yet it has not detoured him from becoming who God created him to be. Pastor John lives 45 minutes by car away from the BSI class, which is 1 1/2 hours by bicycle, or for Pastor John several hours walking. Pastor John walks with his arms, he even wears shoes on his hands when he is walking. In the two years Pastor John has been taking the BSI classes, he has never had a car bring him to class, only another pastor who travels from his home to Pastor John’s home and brings him to class by bicycle.

Pastor John is a dedicated pastor, husband and father. I visited with him and his family just before I moved to Kenya.

Pastor John and his sweet family…

There is no furniture in their home other than some small stick type chairs. He and his family would be considered the poorest of the poor by the worlds standards. Yet, he is one of the richest men I know as God has showered him with a beautiful family, a loving church family to shepherd and now a diploma which is more valuable to him than any material possession could ever be. The value is not in the diploma, the value for Pastor John is in the knowledge of Gods Word he received along the way.

Pastor John and Pastor Francis are two of my hero’s of the faith. I want to be there watching when we get to heaven, when Pastor Francis eyes will be healed and he can see the face of our sweet Lord clearly, and Pastor John can bow on two good legs before our Lord. What a day that will be…!

I can’t help but wonder what that day is going to be like for all who had good eyesight, good legs, and no hindrances to keep them from doing great and mighty things for God while on this earth.

Recently, I had a good conversation with my son, Bryan. He and his wife serve faithfully in our home church middle school ministry. We had been praying for workers to serve and it was wonderful to hear that all but one of the positions needed had been filled.

As we were talking, I shared how I struggle with not understanding the sit and soak mentality of Christians. I told him that I just didn’t get it…I don’t understand why most churches are struggling with not enough workers. I don’t understand the concept of spending your whole Christian life sitting in a pew or a Sunday School chair and soaking up what’s given out, but never taking what is received and pouring it back out into the lives of others.

I will be forever grateful to Pastors Larry Wynn, Billy Britt and Steve Parr, who were my first spiritual leaders when I was saved 24 years ago. From the first day I was saved I was taught that serving was part of Christian life. You read your bible every day, you pray every day and you serve in your church. These men of God taught us these lessons by example.

My first place of service was in the middle school department. I was a brand new Christian and didn’t know much about anything, but Steve Parr encouraged me to be a part and through that open door I met Judy Clay, Glenda Montgomery, Marge Hilling, Verba Brown and others who loved and accepted me with open arms. Through this first act of service as a new believer, God surrounded me with godly women who impacted my life forever. All I did in my first act of service as a new believer was pour drinks and hand out snacks. Yet, in this simple task I was entrusted with I learned a life lesson that is still just as important to me today.

So, I want to ask all of you reading this update, are you serving in your church, or are you sitting and soaking? If you are serving then I want to say thank you for impacting the lives of others. If you are not serving then I beg you to not delay in finding a place to serve.

Think about those like Pastor Francis and Pastor John who could easily say they have an excuse for not serving, yet, serve faithfully. Let the stories of two of my heroes be the encouragement you need to be obedient to what we are all called to do.

Spending 3 years in Uganda serving these pastors has transformed my life, just as serving drinks and snacks to middle school kids did 24 years ago. When I crossed back over the border, making my last journey from Uganda, I knew God was pleased, and that my friends is the greatest joy that comes with serving.

On Sunday I fly out to another part of Kenya to serve with an unreached people group before heading home to Georgia to see my family. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to serve where He opens doors. I will be home in the states throughout November and December and will return to my new home in Kenya the first week of January to began our 2013 Secret Church conference schedule here.

As always I am so thankful for each one of you who faithfully pray for me, and support the work God has called me to do.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Exposure to new places and new things is good. Sometimes it opens our eyes to a world unlike anything we’ve ever known. Such was the case last week as I made my first trip to the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya for a Secret Church conference.

From an outward appearance, Mombasa resembles any port city, much like you would see in other parts of the world. The vast Indian Ocean opens up as far as the eye can see. Cargo ships coming into the port, or headed out to other ports in the world.

The Mombasa port receives shipments not only for Kenya, but also the countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, Sudan and others. The port business as you can imagine is a vital resource for this area of the world. Security is at its highest as the opportunity for theft and corruption are ever present.

As you drive along the beachfront, you find 5 star hotels as well as private mansions. Yet, just one or two streets over, the scene changes and you find yourself in the midst of the drug world with prostitution and all of the other heartbreaking lifestyles that accompany such things. These scenes are not isolated, as in all areas of our world including my own country of America you can discover the same type of areas. Yet, for me, on this trip I had exposure to much more.

Being in areas at times where I could feel I was not wanted. Our first stop after arriving in Mombasa was at the grocery store to purchase bottled water. From the moment I stepped out of the car until I returned, I was met with unkind eyes. No matter if I smiled or spoke, most often there was no return of the gesture. Driving along the city streets, being told we must keep our windows shut due to crime. Walking with someone in front of me and behind me to protect me.

Yet, in the midst of this world of unknowns and uncertainties for me, I found beautiful treasures of Christians that are faithfully serving our Lord amidst the ungodliness of their surroundings. People who haven’t given up hope for winning their city for Jesus Christ.

Pastors who have labored there for many, many years are still on their knees praying for the lost world around them. Godly laymen and women are participating in training others how to share the gospel with their neighbors, their co-workers and others. Churches have strategic plans in place to reach the unreached population around them.

The Secret Church teachings were much needed and the Christians are longing for more. The In Touch Messengers were sent out with those who will have the opportunity to share them in settings where a Bible or other Christian material could not go. Simply because its an electronic gadget creates curiosity and people will sit and listen to what it has to say.

As I was sharing in our conference as we usually do about the persecution in our world, I looked around and realized that in this place, you don’t have to explain persecution, they know it by their own experiences. I’ve not posted pictures within this update of our conference in order to protect the identity of the Christians. Please join me in praying for our Christian brothers and sisters in Mombasa who are fighting the good fight, completing the course God has set for them.

My driver Sezi and Pastor Tom had a lot of first on this trip. They took their first plane ride,

Sezi and Tom getting ready to board their first flight…

rode on a ferry, saw/walked in the ocean

Tom and Sezi’ first steps into the ocean…

and ate their first salt water fish.

Tom and Sezi first time to eat seafood…

This was an exciting week for these young men who grew up in the bush!

This completes our 2012 conference schedule as well as completes our team of 3 traveling together.

One of our last pictures together as God closes out this chapter of our lives….

Sezi will continue to live in Uganda with his family as Helping Hands has hired him on as their full-time driver. Sezi will always be family to me and we will visit often, yet, it is not easy to think of our travels without him.

In July, 2010, a team from my home church, Blackshear Place, was doing bush church services in the evenings. Sezi was one of the drivers for our team that night and my missions Pastor, Kevin Ross witnessed to Sezi. When he told me about this driver surrendering his life to the Lord, Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me, that this was the driver God was sending me. Since that time he has been my only driver, we have traveled all over East Africa together. He has been a loyal and devoted friend and African Son. My family and I are forever grateful to him for his care of me over these years.

These are just a few of my favorite memories with Sezi.

Easter Sunday…we are stuck and Sezi is out in his suit, pulling up grass so we can pass through the mud

Sezi….trying to determine the whats next in the process of us getting unstuck…

Sezi makes new friends everywhere we go. When he disappears, we always know we will find him surrounded by children he is sharing the love of God with.

An afternoon on the shores of Lake Victoria with Sezi and his sweet family…

I would ask all of you to take the time to thank our Heavenly Father for every moment Sezi has kept me safe from harm, and taken me where God told us to go. Ask our Heavenly Father to bless him and his family abundantly for his faithfulness to me.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Blessed is my word today! Love, love, love….my sweet new home here in Kenya. Beautiful countryside,

View from my windows

Beautiful blooming trees outside my windows

and lots of different activities made by all of my new yard friends, all of who visited on my porch today.

Turkey, hen and rooster

Goats and Sheep


More monkey’s

Yes, and even more monkey’s

I have laughed all day! The goats tried to eat my straw chair on the porch and the monkey’s just kept distracting me! They are so fun to watch. One was very brave…he jumped on the window sill at my kitchen window, stuck his arm inside and tried to get my pineapple!

The house is an old house,

Sweet home…Kenya

but in fairly good shape. More primitive on the inside than out, but the environment on the outside is so worth the lack of conveniences on the inside. I have electricity and today they are completing the renovations so I will have running water and a toilet. No hot water, but so thankful I’ll have running water.

When I awake in the morning, I see the sunrise coming in my window, just like when I was still in the states living by my daughter. I have missed those first moments of the day when the sun is rising. In Uganda where I lived before, all I could see from my windows was a block wall. Now God has graciously once again given me such pleasurable moments each morning. Also, as you can see from the view from my windows, I can see mountains. Also another great gift of God as I miss our North Georgia mountains that I could always see going and coming from home each day. Now, although I am 8000 miles from our beautiful North Georgia mountains, I have beautiful Kenya mountains to remind me of our Creator.

Along with the view of the mountains, and the environment is another blessing. For the first time in more than 2 years I don’t live with an armed guard, and I have freedom to leave my home and walk. God has brought me to a place that is best described as a “sanctuary”. In the stillness and peace of this place I am expecting God to teach me more and more of Himself. I anticipate wonderful God moments here as He has brought me to a place where I can genuinely be still and in the quietness of this place, hear His voice clearly.

So thankful to my sweet friends, Craig and Christin Haynie who sent a special offering. I now have a propane stove, a microwave (that works great if the power is on 🙂 ) and a table and chairs. Its rare for someone to write me and tell me they are sending money for personal use, not ministry use, so I was so blessed when I received their message saying they wanted to help with things I might need in my new home.

Speaking of Craig and Christin, I’d like to ask all of you to be praying for them. For a long time they have been hoping for a child and found out recently they were finally expecting. Yet, God in His sovereignty took the the wee one home to heaven a few days ago. Just this morning I was reading about Hannah and her experience before God sent Samuel into her life. You know the thing about Hannah that remains in my mind, is that Hannah was not a woman of faith simply because she eventually bore a child, she was a woman of faith because she sought God in her deepest distress.

Couldn’t help but think of what Christin posted a few days ago when God took their baby home…she wrote…”Craig and I are very sadden by the fact that we have had to say goodbye to our precious little baby. “Baby H” won’t get to live here on earth with us, but we find comfort in knowing our child will be living with Jesus – for eternity. Along with our sadness is also a thankfulness for God’s sovereignty. We did not have to make the decision of where our baby needed to live, and we trust fully that God’s wisdom is (and always will be) far greater than ours”.

Just like Hannah, Christin and Craig are people of faith because they sought God in their deepest distress. Please be praying for these sweet friends that I love dearly.

Home for all of this week, then headed out to the eastern coast of Kenya on Sunday for my last Secret Church conference for this year. Excited about this trip because Pastor Tom and Sezi have never flown before and we are flying to our conference! I will take some pictures to share….I sure love this two young men…two of my greatest blessings here in Africa. Can’t what to experience their first flight!

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Today is the day! As I wrote a few weeks back, God is relocating me into the country of Kenya. Today, I officially move to my new home there. I know in the weeks and months ahead I will have much to write home about this new journey, but for now I have much to share about the past three weeks and ALL God has been doing.

First, I would like to thank you for all the prayers and messages after my last post about spiritual warfare. For many days afterwards and even yesterday there were messages with wisdom and encouragement for me from you back home. I was very encouraged and felt loved with each and every message.

I’ve traveled back to back weeks within Kenya completing Secret Church conferences, so I’ve not had much internet access. At these particular conferences, almost all of the participants were new friends for us. Various pastors from different denominations, which was a great joy to experience.

Holding a conference in the slum area of Nairobi was an eye opening experience. When I first arrived into the city, I thought it much like any western metropolitan city, which is a rare sight here in East Africa. However, it didn’t take but a few minutes to be on streets like I normally travel on throughout the East African community, streets engulfed with poverty.

Slums of Nairobi

Nairobi Pastors at our Secret Church Conference

The next two conferences gave us some challenges with mud as the rainy season is in full force.

My path to the church

Kenya Bush Pastors

My path to the church at the following weeks conference

My home for the week

2nd week of Pastors at Secret Church Conference

It has been a tremendous blessing for Pastor Tom (my translator) Sezi (my driver)

On our journey back from Nairobi

and myself to be given the opportunity by the Radical team to carry the Secret Church teachings throughout Kenya and Uganda this year. We have completed all but one week of travel for this year. There is one conference left on the coast of Kenya, which we will complete week after next.

When we finish this last conference, we will have provided Dr. David Platts teachings of: Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey and How To Study the Bible. These week long conferences are scheduled with groups of no more than 30 pastors at a time. During this week we not only provide Dr. Platts teachings and materials, we also spend time encouraging the pastors as they learn for the first time the reality of persecution in our world today.

These pastors have not experienced coming together for this many days where they are feed well, provided blankets and mats for sleeping and are given the evening hours for fellowship among themselves. As I have written many times in the past, it is amazing to watch the transformation on their faces that is so visible when you compare their first day there to their last day there.

Had the opportunity to visit with Eric, the young man who through your support of me being here has put him through 2 years at the Kenya School for the Deaf.

Eric and I

He brought me his report card and as always, he is doing excellent. It is wonderful to see him be able to write and to communicate as he is now proficient in sign language. Thank you to everyone who supports me here, part of the funds you send for my support are paying for Eric’s school.

Some of Gods creatures along our pathways these past few weeks:

Yesterday was a day I will never forget. In the early morning hours Sezi and I began picking up pastors along the route headed toward the unreached people group God has opened the door for us to reach.

Road trip with pastors and my sweet friends Beatrice and Geoffrey

Just 4 weeks ago when our first initial contact was made, we rejoiced as 2 new women surrendered their lives to Jesus. When we arrived yesterday to spend the day teaching the 2 new believers, we were thrilled to find an additional 20 new believers; all of whom came to faith in Christ through the witness of the first two women.

I arrived back late yesterday and learned about the violence going on all over our world the past few days. The news saddened me as I had just spent the day with 22 new believers who were devout Muslims just 4 weeks ago. What a contrast to go from a great spiritual experience seeing visibly Gods eternal kingdom being multiplied, to learning of the violence and killings.

This morning I read the following about how we should pray on the Secret Church Blog and wanted to ask all of you to join us in praying:

In Light Of All This, How Do We Pray?

– Let us pray that our Christian brothers and sisters will experience peace!

  1. In their surroundings. We want them to be safe as they continue to advance the Kingdom where they are.
  2. In their hearts. We want them to receive comfort and experience calm as they experience the joy of Christ and fear God above man.
  3. In their relationships. We want them to continue to display love within the Body as well as to those outside. Blessed are the peacemakers.Matthew 5:9).

– Let us pray that the violence does not spread.

– Let us pray for our enemies and the enemies of our brothers and sisters, remembering that we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son. (Romans 5:10).

– Pray for all those injured in the violence and for the families of those whom we know to have been killed, including those of 4 US diplomats in Libya. Pray that all are comforted by the one true God as He mercifully and graciously leads them to depend on Him for everything.

– Above all, let us pray that God receives the worship He is due from His creation.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary -East Africa

Here I grow again God, once more acknowledging my inability to walk the straight and narrow without 100% of my focus being on You. Another test has come and once again I almost failed, yet You never let go! You waited patiently and allowed me to choose. 2012 has brought about two such test Lord, and both I almost failed. As I look behind I wonder why I could not see clearly. Why am I such a slow learner this year God? Failing You or stepping one foot outside Your will is not the desire of my heart. So why must I relearn the same lessons over and over?

Yes Lord, I understand in my weakness, You are strong. If I never experienced weakness, I would not cling to You. Yes, Lord I understand that not all things that are good are your will and purpose for my life. I understand Lord that the enemy has dangled good things in front of me to take me off the path of best things You have planned.

This is a portion of my prayers this afternoon here on the foreign mission fields of Africa. For a couple of months I’ve been struggling with not only some big decisions, but more importantly, struggling to understand a new dimension for me of spiritual warfare. A dimension that is not easily discerned in knowing which side is good and which side is evil.

I’m not sure I can put into words exactly what its like, but I want to try because I want others to know to be aware and take caution. In my ignorance I guess I’ve always thought in spiritual warfare you know which side is the right side because its what appears to be good. Yet, this year, Satans tactics have produced very good things that on most days would be easily discerned as being Gods will.

However, recently through trial and error I have come to understand this new battle plan of his. During this time of learning some new lessons, I realized I had forgotten some of the most basic foundational truths of how to know the will of God.

First, look for where God is working and join Him there as I learned in my very first bible study after I became a follower of Christ; Henry Blackabys Experiencing God. Second, which of the choices would make the greatest eternal difference.

Those two simple reminders put to rest something I’ve been trying to know Gods will for over two months. Once He reminded me of how simple it is to know, I was floored at how hard I had made making the decisions be.

If any of you have words of wisdom you can share with me of your own experiences with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Spiritual warfare is very real and its always been intense here on the mission field. But this is frightening to realize how close I have come twice in making wrong decisions because they were good choices and would not have been ungodly choices. But, they were not where He is actively working and they would not have made a great eternal difference.

So thankful He is patient with me and never gives up on me! I really do want to hear how some of you have learned this and what other advice you could give that I might not have thought of.

Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa

There are times in ministry when you know God is doing something very special. You are watching from the sidelines as His will and His plans burst wide open. That is exactly how last week was as Pastor Tom and I helped the pastors complete Secret Church/Radical teachings down on the shores of Lake Victoria.

Pastor Tom Ojiambo…my sweet “African Son”, translator and Pastor for the Secret Church/Radical teachings…

Secret Church Participants for the Week

Pastors filling in the blanks of their Secret Church study guides…

Not only were we able to complete the Secret Church teachings, we were blessed to deliver “Messengers” from Dr. Charles Stanley – In Touch. The first of more than 300 “Messengers” In Touch sent for the pastors at our conferences.

Pastors Receiving “Messengers” from In Touch

Lake Victoria is Africas largest lake by area, and it is the largest tropical lake in the world. It is 250 miles long and 200 miles wide. It has more than 300 islands with approximately 60 islands that are inhabited.

The host pastor for our conference, Pastor Nickolas Wafula and his close friend and fellow pastor, Jacob Wandera are not only pastors, but missionaries to the islands of Lake Victoria. In the past two years they have made 6 trips from the shoreline near their homes across the lake to the islands which are the greatest distance away.

Pastor Jacob is a fisherman and has funded many of these 6 trips across. It takes 5 hours using a boat with a motor and the cost is 600,000 Uganda Shillings (about $260). At no cost financially for them they can use a regular boat with oars and row across in 9 or 10 hours if the wind is cooperating. which they have done more than once in the past two years.

Together these native missionaries have reached 3 islands, starting churches on each island. The first island, called Sirinyabi was their first church plant. This church now has 70 members. The second church plant is on Bugana Island, where there are 40 members. The last church plant is on the island of Jagusi with 26 members.

Both Pastor Nickolas and Pastor Jacob have now sat through two complete teachings by Dr. David Platt on Survey of the Old Testament, Survey of the New Testament and How to Study the Bible. They feel prepared and ready to take these studies on to the new church plants on these islands.

From left: Pastor Tom Ojiambo, Pastor Nickolas Wafula, Pastor Jacob Wandera and me…

What an incredible joy to hand over to them Secret Church/Radical study guides and transportation funding from Radical to get these teachings to these new believers. What an incredible joy to see the reality of Gods plans unfold as Secret Church does what Secret Church is supposed to do….make disciples that make disciples…and on and on!

Not only will they be taking the Secret Church materials and teaching, they will also be delivering Messengers to the new churches on these islands. Wow, new believers being taught by native missionaries using Dr. Platt’s teaching materials and listening to Dr. Stanley’s sermons! Without a doubt, the islands will never be the same again as God uses His men to teach His children there.

I would like to request prayers for myself and the pastors I have the privilege to serve as we have experienced in the past few days increasing attacks from the enemy. Attacks almost overwhelming for me at times. Yet, I am holding tight to the hand of my God, who promises to never leave me or forsake me. Regardless of what the enemy is trying to do….I will remain with my hope, focus and devotion to the ONE who has called me here. Thank you in advance for praying for us.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Umaru is not doing well today, nor for the past few days. He is back in the hospital after a long night of suffering here at the mission compound. It is so frustrating to have an urgent need for a doctor, yet nowhere in the middle of the night to go to. Today as we carried him to the hospital, I was shocked again as I always am at how primitive the medical care here is. With Dr. Brenda and Mike being in-country most of the time, I don’t have to handle a lot of the medical issues with the children who live here with us. Yet, last night and today they were all away and the responsibility was mine, the least qualified missionary here!

You walk into the hospital and find dormitory style rooms with single beds with only mattresses. No sheets, no blankets, nothing! If you want these things you bring them with you. Also, no chairs, no mosquito nets (with wide open windows) and no medical supplies or medicines. After adjusting to the shock of oh yeah this is what its like here, I looked behind me and saw a big rooster walking through the room, pooping on the floor. Definitely a reality check!
The doctor examined him and told the nurse to dress his wound immediately because of the environment he was in and start his medicines. Of course this was after I had paid for the medicine that had been purchased across the street. When the doctor told me Umaru had pneumonia and would stay in the hospital a few days, I left to return to the mission compound to get some sheets, food and water for him. (Yes, they don’t provide food or water either!) 3 hours later I am back at the hospital and find him laying exactly as I left him, his wound still undressed, only now being covered by the towel that was once under him, which was soaked with all the fluids that had drained out of him! Let me just say, the Momma in me came out and like a lion I roared! Roaring is not always the best policy but in some circumstances its the only way to get things done right. (Just so you don’t think I was not feeling badly for being so firm, I made sure I thanked the nurse and was kind to her later, after she had followed the doctors orders 🙂


Please be praying for Umaru. This pneumonia is another serious threat to his already fragile life. During the night last night I was struggling with the why’s of his suffering so much. I don’t ever doubt God, and I truly know He is always in control, but for a short time during those hours of watching Umaru struggle for breath, I just didn’t understand what God was doing. I came in my room to read some scripture and heard my laptop ding with a new e-mail. The e-mail was indicating a new post had been posted by Derek Spain. Derek was a great mentor and role model for my son, Bryan, when he was in high school. Derek now serves as executive pastor at Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, Georgia, the church that my children and I were invited to many many years ago, where we met and surrendered our lives to the Lord.
This is what Derek wrote:

You can take great assurance in knowing that God has a purpose for everything. He doesn’t waste anything. He works even in the midst of difficult – even tragic – situations. And when you are able to have the spiritual maturity to recognize one thing that He is doing, you can be sure that God is doing a thousand things behind the scenes that you are not even aware of.

God works in all things.

“Work Together”

God is the Great Conductor. A music conductor blends together the individual sounds of an orchestra into a beautiful symphony. God, our Great Conductor, takes all of the things in our lives and works them together in a way that is good for us and that brings Him glory.

God works in our painful circumstances and teaches us about His comfort. God works in our times of need and teaches us about His provision. God works in confusing times and teaches about His peace.

Read his post in its entirety at:
These words helped me see clearly that even though I don’t understand, God does. He is doing a thousand things behind the scenes that we are not aware of. He is working through this painful circumstance, and in this confusing time He is teaching me about His peace. What a joy to know how much God cares for us and sends His love and encouragement just when we need it most.

Christie and Rick Krueger


Sharon and John Summers

Christie, Rick, John and Sharon are leaving out for Germany this weekend as missionaries with Teach Beyond. They join me – middle age grandparents who have surrendered to the call of foreign missions! How incredible that within our own faith family at Blackshear Place Baptist Church, there are 5 of us leading the way! We are never too old for God to use us! I love these sweet friends very much and ask that you pray for them over the days, weeks and months ahead as they too have to adjust to life on the other side of the world from their children and grandchildren. Pray that God will use them in a mighty way to accomplish His purposes and will for each of their lives and the lives of those they are going to serve.
Had a great week down at Lake Victoria facilitating a Secret Church conference with the pastors there.

Lake Victoria Secret Church Conference

Only one small issue for the week….a rat tried to sleep with me…but this story will have to be another post in a couple of days!
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa

Each and every day of our lives, God is working all around us and through us. Yet, there are some days when things happen that can only be called “God Moments” as there is no other explanation.

In February, I received a message from In Touch, which is the ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Through that message I made a new friend named Carol and we have been corosponding ever since. She wrote me to see if I could use some “Messengers” which are hand held solar powered devices with Dr. Stanley’s sermons as well as the New Testament. These devices have been shipped all over the world to soldiers as well as missionaries. We scheduled to meet this past Wednesday for me to pick up 17 Messengers.

On Monday when I arrived in Atlanta from Uganda, I was standing in the airport customs line to have my passport stamped. Of course everyone who came off the plane was in the line so there were many people waiting. But in front of me and behind me was a group of people which I could tell were a returning mission team because of the things they were talking about. I asked where they were traveling from and they said Uganda. That opened up a great conversation between us and when they learned about the pastors training with Secret Church they asked me if I could use some hand held devices with sermons.

What happened next is one of those “God Moments” that I will never forget. They said, “We are from In Touch and the devices are called “Messengers”! A huge smile came across my face and I started laughing….I told them….ummmm I have an appointment already scheduled with Carol for Wednesday morning to pick up 17 Messengers. We all began to understand that God had scheduled this divine appointment because the next thing I knew, they were asking me how many pastors I serve with. When I told them I serve with about 300, they told me that when I came to their offices on Wednesday to meet Carol that they would have 300 Messengers ready for me to take back with me! WOW!

Not long after I became a Christian I began to listen to Dr. Stanley’s sermons. For at least 25 years I have held Dr. Stanley in high esteem as his God given wisdom has taught me so many of the life principles that I live by. On Wednesday I was blessed to spend time in their international offices. The staff are amazing men and women who have a heart for getting God’s Word to the world. A great blessing was viewing a world map that shows where In Touch ministries are actively spreading the Word of God. This year In Touch celebrates 35 years of ministry, making an eternal difference in the lives of people all over the world.

My next “God Moment” happened today. This morning I had the opportunity to worship in the new worship service at The Venue at my home church, Blackshear Place. At the end of the service at each of the exit doors there were students with baskets filled with bracelets with names of students going to youth camp this week. Although I am going to be traveling and participating in youth camp, I wanted to take two bracelets, one of a girl and one of a boy who I could specifically pray for during the week.

After attending the next service in the main sanctuary, I had one of my friends come and share with me about a young lady who would be attending youth camp this week. She shared with me in hopes that I would have an opportunity to talk with this young lady because she believes God is calling her to be a missionary. Riding home from church, I shared with my son and his family about this possible opportunity and how excited I was to know I might have the opportunity to encourage her.

Tonight as I went to get the bracelets out to pray for the two students, I looked at the names on the bracelets for the first time. Out of all the hundreds of bracelets in baskets scattered all over the Venue and the main sanctuary, the bracelet I chose had the name of the young lady who I had been thinking about all day today since my friend told me about her this morning. This can only be explained as a “God Moment”! As you can imagine, I’m probably not going to be able to sleep now because I am so excited as God has already shown up and shown off….and we haven’t even got to camp yet!

It is a joy to be a part of this amazing week….serving with my church family. Please keep all of us in your prayers throughout this week as we are anticipating many more “God Moments” as the days go by.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove

Missionary-East Africa

Thank you so much for all the prayers that have been prayed in the past couple of weeks for Umaru. When I arrived back from Kenya, he was still not in good shape. He was taken to the local hospital to have more fluids drained and returned back to the mission house. But had to go back to the hospital late Saturday evening as he was experiencing some serious changes. He was struggling to breathe and his heart was in trouble. When Mike and Sarah took him to the hospital they didn’t know if his life would last much longer. He was kept in the hospital until yesterday.

The hospitals here are not staffed for issues such as these and they have no equipment. They did not even have oxygen for him. They don’t have sheets or blankets much less the critical needs. Yet, during his stay he began to stabilize and was sent home yesterday afternoon. We were so happy to have him back home and were looking forward to him having some good days. But, during the night he once again took a turn for the worse. I don’t know enough about the medical to describe what was happening, but I can say that he was suffering terribly. We brought him to my room and put him in my extra bed and we gathered around him not knowing what to do, but pray and just be with him.

So thankful we have Mike here who as a paramedic knows so much about medical things. Also thankful for Dr. Brad Pierce being available via phone. He first treated Umaru when he was here on a medical trip last year. Umaru was a random child among those he treated that week, yet here we are a year later and he is available for Umaru once again. Dr. Brenda is in Honduras this week on a medical mission trip, so we are thankful for Dr. Brad stepping in to help.

It took some time, but eventually the medicine began to help. His pain decreased and he finally went to sleep.

Our sweet boy…finally resting…

Over the following 6 hours he slept and when he woke up he was doing much better. I know he is doing better because people are praying for him. When he woke up I had some boiled eggs ready for him and he ate 3!!!

Umaru and one of his favorites….boiled eggs….

He seems to be much better and we are giving God all the glory! We do not know what Gods plans are, as the diagnosis still remains that his time here on this earth is short. Yet, we know God is in control and we are surrendered to His plan, His will and His way.

Mike and Sarah had to talk to Umaru’s mother yesterday and explain his diagnosis. As you can imagine, she is devastated. Our concern is her turning back to the cultures here and her thinking about taking him to a witch doctor. She has continued to believe that Umaru is sick because he has been bewitched. Pray that through this her faith in God will increase and she will put away the things of this world that were part of her life before she met Jesus a couple of months ago. Today Pastor Joseph who helps us when we have children with critical illnesses came and spent time with her; giving her spiritual guidance and encouragement. Please pray for her as she wants to help her child and in so doing is considering practices that would bring him great harm.

Please pray for us as we pour Gods love out to them and hold them up during this time. Pray for Mike as he oversees Umaru’s medical care. Also, another prayer request that pales in comparison to Umaru is for us to regain power and water. Today is day 7 with no power and day 3 with no water.

Love to all,

Joy Breedlove – Missionary East Africa