Mon 9 Jul 2012
“Messengers” and Secret Church
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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There are times in ministry when you know God is doing something very special. You are watching from the sidelines as His will and His plans burst wide open. That is exactly how last week was as Pastor Tom and I helped the pastors complete Secret Church/Radical teachings down on the shores of Lake Victoria.

Pastor Tom Ojiambo…my sweet “African Son”, translator and Pastor for the Secret Church/Radical teachings…
Not only were we able to complete the Secret Church teachings, we were blessed to deliver “Messengers” from Dr. Charles Stanley – In Touch. The first of more than 300 “Messengers” In Touch sent for the pastors at our conferences.
Lake Victoria is Africas largest lake by area, and it is the largest tropical lake in the world. It is 250 miles long and 200 miles wide. It has more than 300 islands with approximately 60 islands that are inhabited.
The host pastor for our conference, Pastor Nickolas Wafula and his close friend and fellow pastor, Jacob Wandera are not only pastors, but missionaries to the islands of Lake Victoria. In the past two years they have made 6 trips from the shoreline near their homes across the lake to the islands which are the greatest distance away.
Pastor Jacob is a fisherman and has funded many of these 6 trips across. It takes 5 hours using a boat with a motor and the cost is 600,000 Uganda Shillings (about $260). At no cost financially for them they can use a regular boat with oars and row across in 9 or 10 hours if the wind is cooperating. which they have done more than once in the past two years.
Together these native missionaries have reached 3 islands, starting churches on each island. The first island, called Sirinyabi was their first church plant. This church now has 70 members. The second church plant is on Bugana Island, where there are 40 members. The last church plant is on the island of Jagusi with 26 members.
Both Pastor Nickolas and Pastor Jacob have now sat through two complete teachings by Dr. David Platt on Survey of the Old Testament, Survey of the New Testament and How to Study the Bible. They feel prepared and ready to take these studies on to the new church plants on these islands.
What an incredible joy to hand over to them Secret Church/Radical study guides and transportation funding from Radical to get these teachings to these new believers. What an incredible joy to see the reality of Gods plans unfold as Secret Church does what Secret Church is supposed to do….make disciples that make disciples…and on and on!
Not only will they be taking the Secret Church materials and teaching, they will also be delivering Messengers to the new churches on these islands. Wow, new believers being taught by native missionaries using Dr. Platt’s teaching materials and listening to Dr. Stanley’s sermons! Without a doubt, the islands will never be the same again as God uses His men to teach His children there.
I would like to request prayers for myself and the pastors I have the privilege to serve as we have experienced in the past few days increasing attacks from the enemy. Attacks almost overwhelming for me at times. Yet, I am holding tight to the hand of my God, who promises to never leave me or forsake me. Regardless of what the enemy is trying to do….I will remain with my hope, focus and devotion to the ONE who has called me here. Thank you in advance for praying for us.
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa
hello Joy,
Praying for you and the pastors for protection and God’s will.
thank you for sharing
Hi, Joy! I hope you are well. It’s so good to hear about the pastor training and Messenger distribution on the shores of Lake Victoria. Thank you for taking them and giving them not only to those pastors, but also the pastors who will be visited by them. God is so good! Please convey our appreciation to the pastors for their labors for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We serve a mighty King! Praise the Lord!