Wed 13 Jul 2011
Arafat and Derick
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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So many of you have written me in the last few days and asked for an update on Arafat. He is doing about the same as my last update. His strength seems to be less with each passing day. I took this picture of him this afternoon and told him I would send it to all you. Please continue to pray for this sweet boy.
Also, you may remember that the same week we got Arafat, we also received another child named Derick who was near death with cancer in his face. Helping Hands has been sending him to Kampala for chemo treatments and he and his Mother came by to visit us this afternoon. He looks wonderful, his prognosis is still not as we wish it was…but the chemo has helped the tumor reduce and he can now breath and eat better. And as you can see….he is managing just fine with his Mountain Dew. Please continue praying for Derick….he, like Arafat needs a miracle.
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary- East Africa
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