Umaru is not doing well today, nor for the past few days. He is back in the hospital after a long night of suffering here at the mission compound. It is so frustrating to have an urgent need for a doctor, yet nowhere in the middle of the night to go to. Today as we carried him to the hospital, I was shocked again as I always am at how primitive the medical care here is. With Dr. Brenda and Mike being in-country most of the time, I don’t have to handle a lot of the medical issues with the children who live here with us. Yet, last night and today they were all away and the responsibility was mine, the least qualified missionary here!
You walk into the hospital and find dormitory style rooms with single beds with only mattresses. No sheets, no blankets, nothing! If you want these things you bring them with you. Also, no chairs, no mosquito nets (with wide open windows) and no medical supplies or medicines. After adjusting to the shock of oh yeah this is what its like here, I looked behind me and saw a big rooster walking through the room, pooping on the floor. Definitely a reality check!
The doctor examined him and told the nurse to dress his wound immediately because of the environment he was in and start his medicines. Of course this was after I had paid for the medicine that had been purchased across the street. When the doctor told me Umaru had pneumonia and would stay in the hospital a few days, I left to return to the mission compound to get some sheets, food and water for him. (Yes, they don’t provide food or water either!) 3 hours later I am back at the hospital and find him laying exactly as I left him, his wound still undressed, only now being covered by the towel that was once under him, which was soaked with all the fluids that had drained out of him! Let me just say, the Momma in me came out and like a lion I roared! Roaring is not always the best policy but in some circumstances its the only way to get things done right. (Just so you don’t think I was not feeling badly for being so firm, I made sure I thanked the nurse and was kind to her later, after she had followed the doctors orders 🙂

Please be praying for Umaru. This pneumonia is another serious threat to his already fragile life. During the night last night I was struggling with the why’s of his suffering so much. I don’t ever doubt God, and I truly know He is always in control, but for a short time during those hours of watching Umaru struggle for breath, I just didn’t understand what God was doing. I came in my room to read some scripture and heard my laptop ding with a new e-mail. The e-mail was indicating a new post had been posted by Derek Spain. Derek was a great mentor and role model for my son, Bryan, when he was in high school. Derek now serves as executive pastor at Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, Georgia, the church that my children and I were invited to many many years ago, where we met and surrendered our lives to the Lord.
This is what Derek wrote:
You can take great assurance in knowing that God has a purpose for everything. He doesn’t waste anything. He works even in the midst of difficult – even tragic – situations. And when you are able to have the spiritual maturity to recognize one thing that He is doing, you can be sure that God is doing a thousand things behind the scenes that you are not even aware of.
God works in all things.
“Work Together”
God is the Great Conductor. A music conductor blends together the individual sounds of an orchestra into a beautiful symphony. God, our Great Conductor, takes all of the things in our lives and works them together in a way that is good for us and that brings Him glory.
God works in our painful circumstances and teaches us about His comfort. God works in our times of need and teaches us about His provision. God works in confusing times and teaches about His peace.
These words helped me see clearly that even though I don’t understand, God does. He is doing a thousand things behind the scenes that we are not aware of. He is working through this painful circumstance, and in this confusing time He is teaching me about His peace. What a joy to know how much God cares for us and sends His love and encouragement just when we need it most.

Christie and Rick Krueger

Sharon and John Summers
Christie, Rick, John and Sharon are leaving out for Germany this weekend as missionaries with Teach Beyond. They join me – middle age grandparents who have surrendered to the call of foreign missions! How incredible that within our own faith family at Blackshear Place Baptist Church, there are 5 of us leading the way! We are never too old for God to use us! I love these sweet friends very much and ask that you pray for them over the days, weeks and months ahead as they too have to adjust to life on the other side of the world from their children and grandchildren. Pray that God will use them in a mighty way to accomplish His purposes and will for each of their lives and the lives of those they are going to serve.
Had a great week down at Lake Victoria facilitating a Secret Church conference with the pastors there.

Lake Victoria Secret Church Conference
Only one small issue for the week….a rat tried to sleep with me…but this story will have to be another post in a couple of days!
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa
You are in my prayers! You are in inspiration to many of us and I thank God that I have had the opportunity to meet you and get to know you! Godspeed!
Love you Joy and prayers sent your way. I love the motherly instint you
have, so much like your sweet mother…
We are praying for Umaru. We absolutely fell in love with him this week. We are also praying for you as you hold his hand through the suffering. We love you both.