Sat 14 May 2011
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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It has been sooo good to be home with my family. The first day after I got home after missing all of his ballgames, I was blessed to watch my grandson Eli pitch in the East Hall baseball championship game

Eli …not only a great pitcher….but a young man who loves the Lord and was also blessed to attend he and my granddaughter Emma’s band concert.
I spent a day surrounded by my grandchildren at Six Flags….(sorry no pictures to share….I knew I would get soaked on the water rides so I didn’t take my camera and that proved true) we had so much fun! Of course, going to Six Flags shows my age….I just don’t have the desire to ride all those rides I use to ride! But the grandchildren don’t mind too much…their just happy we’re all together.
Throughout the day they were asking me what the children in Africa would enjoy at Six Flags. It was not easy to answer because our African children have never had toys or their own bicycles so Six Flags would overwhelm them, yet what fun it would be to watch them get on Goliath! Or more importantly get off of Goliath and see the amazement and wonder in their eyes. Of course if my grandchildren had of convinced me to get on Goliath, it might be be fun to watch me get off, especially if you enjoy seeing others experience fear!
Last Sunday, Mothers Day, I was blessed to attend church with my daughter, Dana and her family.
I know most of you remember that my being in Africa and away from my family on Mothers Day last year was one of my mosts difficult days. So thankful to be a home this year.
Heath wise this week its been a challenge….I caught whatever this virus thing going around is and have spent most of this week in the house…had to have some minor surgery for some questionable skin areas…that added with a trip to the emergency room from what appears to be a gallbladder issue has done me in! Test on Tuesday will determine if the gallbladder needs to come out. Stitches from the skin areas affected will come out on Thursday.
I finished writing that last paragraph and I realized just how petty the things we go through sometimes are in comparison to others. All week I’ve been discouraged because I’ve been sick. Yet on the other side of the world, Arafat is fighting to live.
Today I called Dr Brenda to get an update and the update was not good. Since my last update, he has been hospitalized and had another surgery, which makes a total of 5 surgeries. Pam was only home here in the states for a week, then returned to help Dr Brenda care for him as his prognosis is not good. When I asked them today what we could pray specifically for them this is what they asked:
For Arafat: We must pray for a miracle. He is getting the best care available in Uganda, but his condition has deteriorated to the point that only a miracle from God will save his life. They have brought him back from the hospital to the mission house and are trying to keep him comfortable. He asked to talk to me when I called and after I said hello, he said, you come here…you come here on Tuesday! He has still got that spunk in him although it seemed his voice was very weak. I took this picture of him when I left,
I keep it close where I will be reminded to pray for him….please pray for a miracle.
For Brenda and Pam: Pray for God to give them wisdom and discernment in all things concerning Arafat. Decisions are having to be made about what the next steps are and these are issues that would not be easy for any of us to make, but especially for the two of them who have physically cared for him 24 hours a day for all these weeks. They need our prayers more now than at any other time since Arafat has been at the mission house.
Tomorrow I get to go to my home church…there is just nothing like walking through those doors and knowing you are home. Can’t wait to hear the choir sing…to hear Pastor Jeff preach and be part of my Sunday School/Bible Fellowship class. I love lots of things in this life…and one of the things I love most is my church. I would love for any of you who don’t have a place to worship to come join us tomorrow. For some of you who get my updates…I know you also attend Blackshear Place but you don’t have a Bible Fellowship/Sunday School class…why don’t you try our class tomorrow. We meet at 9:30 and our teacher is Jim Wallace. We meet downstairs down the hallway to the left when you come in the lobby entrance of the fellowship hall…I would love for you to be my guest tomorrow! We have a wonderful teacher and our class is full of mission minded believers who are also strong prayer warriors. If you are looking for a place to grow, to serve and be loved…then you will love our class!
I’m so excited that Pastor Jeff has included me in the Sunday night service tomorrow. I hope you can come and join us. He will be talking to me about how God is working in my life in Africa. Can’t wait to share….I’ll be in the lobby before and after services tomorrow so please come talk to me. There are so many of you who write me or support me and I’ve never met you. Please come tomorrow and introduce yourself to me, I wanna know who you are! And for all you that I do know…can’t wait to see you!
Our church address is:
Blackshear Place Baptist Church
3428 Atlanta Hwy
Flowery Branch, Ga 30542
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa
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