Fri 21 May 2010
New Mission Home
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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I’m very excited to write home and share pictures of my new home here, God has truly blessed me beyond measure. Although the first mission house was a great place for Africa, my new home is more like home back in Lula, Georgia. Of course it’s not quite the same, but it is as close as you can get here. I have such a thankful heart to the Lord for His provisions. Also, a special word of thanks to Dr. Richard and Dr. Brenda Kowalske of Helping Hands Foreign Missions for all they did to make it possible.
The unit I am now living in here at the Helping Hands Mission compound is new. The workers were finishing up last minute touch ups as I moved in. The owners that Helping Hands leases the compound from have been wonderful to me. The husband is a Muslim, but his wife is a Christian. He has told me several times this week as he has continued to oversee the last task of the workers how much he appreciates my coming here to help the children and the widows. He said that for the past couple of months since he knew I was coming to live here that he and his wife wanted everything to be as nice as it could be for me. They have fulfilled their wishes because this place is beautiful, I couldn’t ask for anything better! Every inch of this compound was spotless! So, now I am praying that through not only me but the teams that come throughout the year that he will surrender his heart to our Lord!
Of course just beyond the compound walls is poverty and heartache, but this place is becoming a sanctuary for me. A place to come and leave the heartache of the day at the gate when I enter. No where I have been since I have been in Africa feels as this place does to me. Even though I live in a place with razor wiring around the top of the wall and 4 padlocks on the gate, there is peace and security here that only comes from the Lord.
When I would come by to check on the progress over the weeks before I moved in, I would visit with the owners and there was always Christian music playing. I believe that I moved into a place that was already being prayed over by the owners wife long before I came along. She has already been by to visit this week, and we talked a long time about trust and faith in God.
Here are some pictures to let you know what a special blessing living here is for me.

For those of you who have been following my updates….you know how happy such a nice bathroom makes me!
I couldn’t show you a picture of the little kitchen because it is so small I can’t get the camera to take it, but everything I need fits in there perfectly! I was so excited when we moved to discover a hot plate with a plug that works just fine with the outlets here. The past 3 days I have actually been cooking which was a great need! I’ve only been able to cook things I could prepare in a microwave until now. Of course I have to have power to use the hotplate or the microwave but that’s another blessing. All of the power outages have been caused by two main transformers being down. The day I moved in they finished installing the new ones and I have had power since then. They told me that I probably won’t experience a loss of power often anymore.
Also, the unit I live in has a backup water tank reserve! Even when there is no water from the pipelines, I have water for the shower and the toliet! All of Busia is entering the 3rd week with no water due to another major breakdown of equipment, yet I have water from the reserve tank! They also told me that the new equipment being installed for the water in Busia is going to also create less shortages!
God has been so good me and He continues to surprise and amaze me! He has known all along through the roughing it times since I arrived, that He had a special place for me. He has given His girl a wonderful home where He resides with much peace and joy.
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary – East Africa
I am so glad things are going well for you in Uganda. I pray everyday for you.
Thanks for sharing your new home.Ienjoyed reading how you knew the owner’s wife was praying before you got there.I remember Pastor Jeff saying at the new member’s meal that Dana and I attended that he(Pastor) did not know we were coming to BPBC but God did.There is such a comfort in knowing that God is BEFORE all that comes our way.
I love you,
Hey Joy, Beautiful post – I feel like I am there 🙂 which I will be very soon! I tried to call today-Saturday- but could not get you, will keep trying. God is so working through you, thank you for being obedient and most of all, for surrendering to His call on your life. You ARE a joy!